

我们的人员风险研究着眼于最有能力扰乱业务的个体人员风险, 在人员风险管理的五大支柱中确定25个最重要的人员风险.

减轻这些风险的关键是要认识到,虽然人是组织最重要的力量, they can also bring significant risk.

而不是 of reacting to unfolding events, 人力资源和风险部门现在必须合作,减轻与健康和安全有关的人员风险, ESG and the future of work. This requires putting a proper foundation for risk management in place, including proactive measures to protect employees.

See below for our People Risk research highlights and download the full report for detailed insights on managing people risk.

The five pillars of people related risks in an organisation

Our global survey of over 2,300名人力资源和风险管理专家确定了人员风险的五大支柱. 强调企业风险管理发展到包含人员的程度, 宗旨及利润.
  • 健康与安全

    绝大多数(87%)组织表示,员工的健康和安全风险对其业务构成最大威胁. Due to the ongoing risk of communicable diseases, 包括流行病, and need to mitigate rising cases of heart disease, cancer and mental health issues. As well as workforce exhaustion, with increasing workloads, constant change and poor work-life balance increasing risk of burnout.

    含义: 投资于管理健康风险的福利,以提高人类的适应力和企业的适应力.

  • Governance and financial

    The management of compensation, 员工福利和退休计划被视为企业面临的第二大威胁. 人的风险因素包括公平审慎地管理计划和不断增加的保健费用, risk protection and wellbeing benefits. 以及福利和其他人力资源计划与监管要求不一致的风险, 税, labour and human rights and employment law.

    含义: Oversee all types of rewards to avoid costly errors and reputational damage. 

  • 加快数字化

    加速的数字化带来了组织企业最关心的一些与人相关的风险. 这些问题包括网络安全和数据隐私,以及自动化和人工智能对员工的影响. Which is set to see 85m jobs become obsolete by 2025. 如果劳动力规划和再培训跟不上步伐,就会导致技能过时,人力资源和业务战略不协调.

    含义: Consider the impact of digitisation on employees to prevent future problems.

  • 人才实践

    与人才实践相关的人力资源风险管理包括加强员工价值主张,以吸引和留住员工. As well as risks and inequalities linked to the changing nature of work. 从虚拟工作和跨时区工作到零时合同. 接班人计划, 行为、文化和人才流动也是这一支柱的人员风险因素.


  • 环境与社会

    Organisations are feeling pressure from customers, 投资者, 员工和监管机构确保利润不会以牺牲社会或地球为代价. Related people risk factors include progressing environmental targets, improving working conditions and driving diversity, 平等和包容. 现在,支持遭遇灾难性个人98858威尼斯70570事件的员工也被视为管理人事风险的重要手段.

    Apply an ESG lens to investments, working conditions and employee benefits.


下载人群风险, 了解更多关于重置优先级以管理劳动力风险和业务弹性的信息. 了解当今企业面临的最大人员风险,以及如何减轻这些风险,以创造更可持续的业务.

人员风险管理 barriers

我们的人员风险研究还探讨了解决组织中与人员相关的风险的障碍, across each of the five pillars. The main obstacles were as follows:

超过五分之二(43%)的企业表示,难以改变个人行为是解决健康问题的主要障碍 & 安全风险. 同样比例(39%)的受访者认为,改变个人行为是降低人才风险的最大障碍, such as adapting to the future of work. One in three (36%) said personal behaviour also hinders tackling social & 环境风险.

当涉及到组织中与人相关的风险时,组织复杂性是每个支柱的最大障碍. 这也是阻碍治理和金融风险取得进展的主要障碍. As businesses continue to grow, 风险越来越多地出现在传统的竖井工作区域,并可能导致不一致和僵化的行为. 许多人都在努力界定谁负责承担风险和减轻风险的工作, leading to gaps in addressing these.

三分之一的企业认为,缺乏应对风险的熟练资源是应对加速数字化以及环境和社会风险的主要障碍. 这突显出,所有行业都需要拥有网络安全和ESG证书的个人,而许多企业才刚刚开始应对这些新兴风险.

人员风险管理 for employee benefits

Administering employee benefits, pensions and compensation is the second biggest individual people risk, after cyber security and data protection. 由于管理员工福利所涉及的大量个人资料,哪些亦与员工福利有关.

Without careful governance, and a deliberate strategy, 员工福利计划不太可能成功地支持企业的弹性. 即便如此,五分之三的企业(59%)对保险和福利没有有效的管理. While just two in five (42%) have a benefit cost containment strategy in place. Falling to less than one in three (31%) employers in the United Kingdom.

而不是, 员工健康福利的增长速度是通货膨胀率的2.5倍, cleaver employee benefits design is essential. This should not only look at optimising spend by reducing health risks, but also securing the best deals from insurers.

A clear governance approach for benefit and insurance programme design, delivery and financial decisions will also reduce costs and risk. Think about establishing a formal governance process, including defining roles and responsibilities for making benefits design, 政府, 沟通, HR technology and insurance decisions.

人员风险管理 ideas to get you started

Identify risks to boost business resilience

回顾工作场所和工作风险以及行业风险因素,了解最大的人员风险在哪里. Look at your employee data analytics to identify risks, 或者盲点, 并审查福利资格,看看是否有任何群体被排除在外或处于危险之中. 

Create multi-year people risk management strategies

不要仅仅对眼前的威胁作出反应或回应,而是要展望未来的风险. Be this AI, future of work or 环境风险. Create clear multi-year strategies and hire people for skills, 不仅仅是工作, to secure the skills needed to address future risks.

Take a preventative approach to people risk management

而不是 of paying to resolve problems when they arise, mitigate risk and cost with preventative strategies. Look at the underlying causes of people risks, 比如网络风险, loss of talent and absence, and take steps to mitigate these.