我们的人员风险研究着眼于最有能力扰乱业务的个体人员风险, 在人员风险管理的五大支柱中确定25个最重要的人员风险.
减轻这些风险的关键是要认识到,虽然人是组织最重要的力量, they can also bring significant risk.
而不是 of reacting to unfolding events, 人力资源和风险部门现在必须合作,减轻与健康和安全有关的人员风险, ESG and the future of work. This requires putting a proper foundation for risk management in place, including proactive measures to protect employees.
See below for our People Risk research highlights and download the full report for detailed insights on managing people risk.
人员风险管理 barriers
人员风险管理 for employee benefits
Administering employee benefits, pensions and compensation is the second biggest individual people risk, after cyber security and data protection. 由于管理员工福利所涉及的大量个人资料,哪些亦与员工福利有关.
Without careful governance, and a deliberate strategy, 员工福利计划不太可能成功地支持企业的弹性. 即便如此,五分之三的企业(59%)对保险和福利没有有效的管理. While just two in five (42%) have a benefit cost containment strategy in place. Falling to less than one in three (31%) employers in the United Kingdom.
而不是, 员工健康福利的增长速度是通货膨胀率的2.5倍, cleaver employee benefits design is essential. This should not only look at optimising spend by reducing health risks, but also securing the best deals from insurers.
A clear governance approach for benefit and insurance programme design, delivery and financial decisions will also reduce costs and risk. Think about establishing a formal governance process, including defining roles and responsibilities for making benefits design, 政府, 沟通, HR technology and insurance decisions.